Saturday, April 9, 2011

Where Are They?

And no, I'm not talking about my Cookie Monster socks. I know where those are. (On my feet!) I'm talking about sock monkey references! There are barely any in movies or on TV. Sure, there's one in Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium, but I just know that from the promos. Jillian didn't want to see it because she already knew the ending. And yes, I saw the Kit Kittredge (the American Girl) movie, where there was a sock monkey. But he was being carried away, taken away from his loving owners!
There are other rare, two-second appearances occasionally on television, but not enough. Sock monkeys are a special toy that have been in existence practically since Red Heel socks were invented! There are so many different colored and patterned sock monkeys in the world, and so many other products, like coin purses, nightlights, party supplies, hand puppets, tin lunchboxes, nesting dolls, jack-in-the-boxes, prints to hang on the wall, picture frames and books. Sock monkeys are such a fun thing to collect (just ask Jillian!). Handmade ones are the best, like me. You can personalize them however you want, and then he's one-of-a-kind, made just for you and you only.
I encourage any readers of this blog to start a sock monkey collection. No, you don't have to have thirty-five like Jillian does (not counting the other products she owns) but you can have a few, so they have others to talk to. We're known to be a little chatty. But sock monkeys are great pals to have around! You can poke around a bit to find some vintage ones online or just pick up a couple striped ones at Walmart (Jillian's done both). Here are a couple of websites to help:
Thanks for reading! Please click on those links!
Love, Socko ♪♫♪ (with some help from Jillian with typing, and the big words like "product" and "personalize")


Maya said...

I agree! There are no sock monkey movies!

Jillian said...

YES! Finally, someone understands. Maybe we need to *make* a sock monkey film! Love, Socko ♪♫♪