Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Missing Feature

Today my best friend Cowwie had the most wonderful chocolate-chip cookie. Of course, he gave me half, as he is the bestest friend ever! But, sadly, I could not smell the cookie. Piggy and Emily, our other friends, were gabbing on and on about how good it smelled. I guess I'll never have a clue about smells. You see, I have no nose. is the terrible, sad, terribly sad fact about me. Jillian is good at describing smells, but it's just not the same as the real thing. Of course, I'd rather be missing a nose than an ear. Or a mouth! Boy, without a mouth I could not talk! Or jabber, as Piggy calls it. Look below, because there is a photo of me (noseless, pitiful me) and Cowwie! PS--please do not feel sorry for me not having a nose, as I have so many other blessings to count that I always lose count when I try. That may have to do with the fact that I can't remember what comes after eleven...

Look out below!


Maya said...

It's okay, Socko, think of all the good things that come from not having a nose! You can't smell the bad stuff either. And you wouldn't have to hold your breath going down the hall in your school that smells like sweat, B.O, and hotel room COMBINED.

Jillian said...

Thank you Maya! That makes me feel better. I learned from SpongeBob, when Patrick got a nose, that maybe it's not all it's cracked up to be. Love, Socko ♪♫♪

Unknown said...

Aww u and Cowwie are SOOOOOOO cute!!! X3

Jillian said...

Thanks! We've been best friends forever, ever since I was made in 2008. I'm more dare-devil-ish than him, so it took me a while to convince him to hang off that balcony bar so Jillian could take a picture! Love, Socko ♪♫♪