Saturday, March 5, 2011


Hello! My name is Socko and I'm a handmade sock monkey. My hobbies are dancing, eating soup and cereal, and reading board books. I also love hanging out with my other thirty-three family members at my house! My owner is Jillian. She's so awesome. She collects us (sock monkeys) and told me I could make a blog from my point of view of the world. More fun facts: my birthday is April 12, I'll be three this year, my favorite books are Sock Monkey Dreams, 10 Little Sock Monkeys, Curious George and Fox in Socks, my favorite movie is Aladdin, and my favorite band is the Monkees. I always wear a blue T-shirt with my picture on it and jeans with a cute little button, and socks. I'm almost twenty inches long.
Things to expect on this blog: stuff about food, pictures and lots of 'em, information about our travels, maybe some movies, and drawings.
Please look around for a while and enjoy my blog! Goodbye!


Kim said...

Hello Socko,
It's always good to hear from another sock monkey. I like to read too and I'm at my local library a lot. Have you read the books by CeCe Bell or Tony Millionaire? I come from a large family too. I've lost track of the number of relatives I have. I look forward to reading your blog.

Jillian said...

Hi Itsy,
Socko here! It's good to hear from you, too. I love to read about your adventures on your blog. I haven't read any of those books, but I have seen Mr. Millionaire's online before. They look very good. Thanks for reading!
Love, Socko